Build your personalized container that adapts to your needs

Deploying ML models on Google Cloud’s model registry in order to get batch/online predictions is pretty straightforward. At least when it comes to TensorFlow and ScikitLearn. Pytorch got recently its own pre-build container, which was intended to solve the difficulties with deploying this kind of model on the cloud. In my experience, it didn’t solve that much of the problem and it didn’t provide enough flexibility to adapt to the needs of different models, inputs, and outputs. That’s why I decided to build my own.

You can find all the code used for this post on GitHub here [deploy-hugging-face-model-to-gcp]. For this example, we will work with the output-mt-es-en Pytorch Hugging face model developed by Helsinki-NLP. This model takes as input a text written in Spanish and outputs its translation to English.

Google Cloud’s prediction strategy

The way in which predictions are computed in online/batch predictions is by deploying a server open to HTTP requests. This server, when receiving the data as input, will compute the prediction and return it. In the case of PyTorch, the library I have used is TorchServe, which is the one also used by Google. This library allows running a server by simply receiving some configuration and a compiled version of the model (.mar extension).

TorchServe functionality

The way TorchServe works is the following. You first need to build a handler that adapts to your model (or use a pre-built one). This is a Python file that it contains all the logic to load the model and compute the prediction for the given input. This file contains a class that inherits from BaseHandler and a __init__ function that looks like the following:

class TransformersClassifierHandler(BaseHandler):"""Handler class for opus-mt models."""def __init__(self):"""Initialize class."""super(TransformersClassifierHandler, self).__init__()self.initialized = False

Then, we need four functions that represent the real logic. Those are initialize , preprocess , inference , and postprocess .

initializeruns once when the server starts and it takes care of loading the model.

def initialize(self, ctx):"""Load the hugging face pipeline."""model_dir = ctx.system_properties.get("model_dir")self.hf_pipeline = pipeline("translation",model=model_dir,tokenizer=AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_dir, truncation=True, padding=False),truncation=True,)self.initialized = True

When you send a request to the server, the data will go to the next three functions and expects postprocess to return an ordered list with the outputs of each prediction sent.

def preprocess(self, data):"""Take the column we want to predict."""data = [datapoint[1] for datapoint in data]return datadef inference(self, inputs):"""Predict the class of a text using a trained transformer model."""return self.hf_pipeline(inputs)def postprocess(self, inference_output):"""Convert the output of the model to a list of translations."""clean_preds = [pred["translation_text"]if type(pred) != listelse pred[0]["translation_text"]for pred in inference_output]return clean_preds

In our case, the preprocess function receives two values in a list, this is because in our later example, we will use a BigQuery table to predict with two columns, and the second one is the text we want to translate.

It’s likely you’ll need to adapt the handler with different configuration depending on the model you are using. My workflow was making sure that the functions worked and the output was correct by running the functions on a jupyter notebook.

Then you compile the model and the extra files with the torch-model-archiver library, as the following.

torch-model-archiver \— model-name=model_name \— version=1.0 \serialized-file=models/opus-mt-es-en/raw/pytorch_model.bin \extra-files=config.json,config.yaml \export-path=models \— handler=handlers/

Then you can run the HTTP server with a command like the following (it won’t run locally since the configuration is stored in the image used to build the Dockerfile).

torchserve \ -- start \--ts-config /home/model-server/ \--models model=model_name.mar \--model-store /home/model-server/model-store

Required files

Therefore, in order to build a container with the model, we only need 2 files. A and a Dockerfile.

Step by Step instructions

Now that you understand what you need to build a model for the model registry, we will do a walkthrough of all the steps needed.

1. Download the Hugging Face model files

For this, you’ll need to download the files from Hugging Face, in our case, we downloaded them from here. All files are needed except tf_model.h5 because it’s the model itself in a different format, and we only need the pytorch_model.bin . In case there are more files that are marked as LFS in your model file directory, it is likely they are also the same model in a different format, which you don’t need to download. I recommend saving them in the following path ./models/your-model-name-lowercase/raw/your-files-here . This path is where the script will look for those files, it can be changed but you’ll need to change the path on the Dockerfile and the script that we will introduce later.

2. Upload the model to Google Cloud Storage (Optional)

This step is optional but recommended. The bucket name must be lowercase and it will be the same name as the model. This way we ensure that the script works properly. An example of this is creating a bucket called my-hugging-face-models and a folder called opus-mt-es-en , where we will store the files.

You only need to have the files locally for the pipeline to work, but in order to ensure reproducibility it is better to store them on a cloud storage bucket. The script we built will download the files from the bucket if they are not there already. By storing them on the path I wrote in the last section, you will avoid downloading them twice.

3. Create an artifact registry repository for the docker images

Here we will store the images of the Pytorch container. In order to do that just go to the Artifact Registry, select create repository, and select format: Docker. You can set the name you prefer for this repository.

4. Write your model.env file

These are the variables the script needs in order to build the image. You have an example on the repository on the file model_example.env .

PROJECT_ID=YOUR-PROJECTREGION=YOUR-REGION# Bucket from where the model will be downloaded (optional)MODELS_BUCKET=hugging-face-models# Bucket for the staging area of the models in the model registrySTAGING_BUCKET=hugging-face-models-staging# Local dir to download the modelsLOCAL_MODEL_DIR=models/# Registry to push the images# Change this to your own registryARTIFACT_REGISTRY_REPO_URI="${PROJECT_ID}/hugging-face-models/"

5. Install dependencies

Is recommended that you create a virtual environment and then install the dependencies there.

pip install -r requirements.txt

6. Login and authentication

You’ll need to authenticate in google cloud to run the script that makes the whole thing. The second command will configure your docker configuration to upload the model to Google Cloud’s registry. If you created the artifact registry in a different region, update the second command to your own region. There is also the instruction to set this up if you go into the repository you created in the artifact registry under setup instructions.

gcloud auth application-default logingcloud auth configure-docker

7. You can finally run the script!

Everything is now set up for you to run the script. You can add more models comma-separated if you followed the same steps and they use the same handler. This is the case for other translation models such as opus-mt-de-en or opus-mt-nl-en .

python scripts/ --models=opus-mt-es-en

In case the .mar file was already built but you changed the because you made a mistake, you can use the --overwrite_mar flag as the following.

python scripts/ --models=opus-mt-es-en --overwrite_mar=true

Script walkthrough

The script consists of several steps, which will be run per model. First, we will download the model files if they still need to be downloaded. Then, we will build the .mar file. Then we will build the Dockerfileand push it to the registry. Finally, we will create the Vertex AI model stored in the Model Registry, which is what we need to make online/batch predictions.

The download part is pretty straightforward so we won’t go into much detail.

model_local_path = os.path.join(os.environ["LOCAL_MODEL_DIR"], model, "raw")if not os.path.isdir(model_local_path):print(f"\nModel '{model}' Downloading...")download_gcs_folder(os.environ["MODELS_BUCKET"], model, model_local_path)else:print(f"\nModel '{model}' already downloaded. Skipping download.")

To create the .mar file we use the following code. The extra_files variable stores the relative path of all the files comma separated except the pytorch_model.bin , which is included in a different argument when compiling the model.

# Add the extra files to build the .mar file# Remove the model since it's sent as serialized-fileextra_files = ",".join([os.path.join(model_local_path, file)for file in os.listdir(model_local_path)if file != "pytorch_model.bin"])mar_file = os.path.join(".", os.environ["LOCAL_MODEL_DIR"], model, f"{model}.mar")print(mar_file)if os.path.isfile(mar_file) and not overwrite_mar:print(f"\nMar file '{model}' already built. Skipping build.")else:print(f"\nBuilding {model}.mar file...")torchserve_command = ["torch-model-archiver","--force",f"--model-name={model}","--version=1.0",f"--serialized-file={model_local_path}/pytorch_model.bin",f"--extra-files={extra_files}",f"--export-path={os.path.join(os.environ['LOCAL_MODEL_DIR'], model)}","--handler=handlers/",]result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)

Then, we will build and push the image to the repository.

# Creates random tagtag = hashlib.sha256("%Y_%m_%dT%H_%M_%S").encode()).hexdigest()model_image_uri = os.path.join(os.environ["ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_REPO_URI"], f"{model}:{tag}").lower()print(f"\nBuilding {model} Dockerfile...")docker_build_command = ["docker","build",".",f"--tag={model_image_uri}","--build-arg",f"model_name={model}",]result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)# ---------------------------- Push image ----------------------------print(f"\nPushing {model} Dockerfile...")docker_push_command = ["docker","push",model_image_uri,]result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)print(f"\nPushed {model_image_uri}")

Finally, we create the model on the model registry. If the model already exists, we upload a new version instead.

# Check if model existsnew_model = Falsetry:Model(project=os.environ["PROJECT_ID"],location=os.environ["REGION"],model_name=model,)except exceptions.NotFound:new_model = True# Uploads the modelModel.upload(project=os.environ["PROJECT_ID"],location=os.environ["REGION"],serving_container_image_uri=os.path.join(model_image_uri),model_id=model,parent_model=model if not new_model else None,serving_container_predict_route="/predictions/model",serving_container_health_route="/ping",serving_container_ports=[8080],display_name=model,staging_bucket=os.environ["STAGING_BUCKET"],)print(f"Deployed model {model} to Vertex AI.")

Testing Locally

After building the image, you can test it locally by running the following command:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 --name=your-name your-image-fullname-and-tag

Then you can open another tab in the terminal and check that the model is working properly by running the following command. You can change the examples on the instances_example.json file to adapt to your model and use case.

curl -X POST \-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \-d @./instances_example.json \

Integration test

You can also run the integration test directly to ease the testing process. This can be done by first exporting your image name. And then running the docker-compose command.

export IMAGE=your-built-imagedocker-compose -f tests/integration/docker-compose.yaml up \--exit-code-from test \--renew-anon-volumes && \docker compose -f tests/integration/docker-compose.yaml down -v

Running a batch prediction job

In order to test the model, we run a batch prediction job with the following BigQuery table.

Screenshot of a spreadsheet with four rows of data. Each row contains a UUID and a snippet of a Spanish-language news article. The articles cover diverse topics, including a cultural event in Andalucía, Volaris airline's safety category, General Electric's financial results, and Netflix's investment in South Korean content

After about 30 minutes, we got the result, which is the copy of the original table plus the prediction text.

Screenshot of a bilingual data table with four entries. Each entry has a UUID, a snippet of Spanish text, and its English translation. Topics include the April Fair in Andalusia, Volaris airline's safety category, General Electric's financial results, and Netflix's investment in South Korean content. Checkmarks indicate verified translations

Extra topics

Even if the scripts do the job, for a production environment is recommended to have all that logic on a CI/CD pipeline. The integration test is meant for that environment before creating the model in the registry, to avoid uploading failing models. On the original integration, a CI/CD pipeline was created but for easiness of the post, I decided not to include it. However, if you are interested in that you can let me know and I could help you out or write another article supporting that topic.

On the Dockerfile , we have the following line. This makes the server only have one worker, which avoids parallelization. We have tried several configurations and setting a batch size of 1 with 1 worker worked the best. When having several workers, they sometimes failed which made it inefficient. In order to parallelize we increase the machine count on the batch prediction job.

RUN printf "\ndefault_workers_per_model=1" >> /home/model-server/

Thank you

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